Goa'uld (Children of the Gods I)

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Goa'uld (Children of the Gods I).jpg
Biographical information
Planet of origin Chulak
Gender Asexual (male personality)
Race Goa'uld
Socio-political information
Allegiance Apophis
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Stephen Sumner
First appearance "Children of the Gods"

A Goa'uld was present on Chulak to choose those who would become children of the gods.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Nothing is known about this Goa'uld, except the fact he was under orders of Apophis.

Character's evolution[edit | edit source]

"Children of the Gods" (1997)[edit | edit source]

In the Chulak palace's prison, Teal'c, Apophis' First Prime, announce that some of the prisoners will be chosen to become children of the gods. The Goa'uld choose a young woman who is taken away by the guards.

Soon after, the Goa'uld is part of the other (including Klorel who has taken the body of Skaara) and pass through the Stargate to an unknonw destination, preceded by Apophis and his queen, Amaunet (who's inhabiting Sha're's body).

Notes[edit | edit source]