Carter (Point of View reality II)

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This article is about an alternate version of Samantha Carter seen in "Point of View". For main Stargate character, see Samantha Carter. For the other "Samantha Carters", see Samantha Carter (disambiguation).
Captain Carter
This character is part of an alternate reality
Carter (Point of View reality II).jpg
Biographical information
Planet of origin Earth
Nationality American
Race Tau'ri
Species Human
Socio-political information
Occupation Military
Rank Captain
Allegiance US Air Force
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Amanda Tapping
First appearance "Point of View"

Captain Carter was a US Air Force military officer from an alternate reality.

Biography[edit | edit source]

This alternate version of Samantha Carter seems to be almost identical to the main timeline's Major Carter, yet she is only a captain (SG1: "Point of View").

Character's evolution[edit | edit source]

"Point of View" (1999)[edit | edit source]

Inside an alternate Goa'uld-occupied SGA, Dr. Daniel Jackson tries to find his own reality with the quantum mirror using its remote control. He discovers several realities, and finaly finds a reality where he sees Carter on the other side of the mirror. Carter invites him to pass through the mirror. Yet, when he looks closer to her front tag, he sees "Capt. Carter" on it. Daniel deduces this alternate reality is not his own reality, waves goodbye and switches to another one.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • It is not sure that her first name is "Samantha", like the main reality counterpart. We only see "Capt. Carter" on her fatigues' tag and we don't hear her as she is on the other side of the mirror.
  • This "Carter" is also part of an alternate US Air Force as we can see on her fatigues.
  • This character is briefly seen for a few seconds through the quantum mirror.

See also[edit | edit source]