Charlie O'Neill (The Devil You Know hallucination)

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This article is about an hallucination provoqued by Apophis on Jack O'Neill. For O'Neill's son, see Charlie O'Neill.
For other uses, see Charlie and O'Neill (disambiguation).
Charlie O'Neill
This character is part of an hallucination
Charlie O'Neill (The Devil You Know hallucination).jpg
Biographical information
Out of Stargate universe information
Portrayed by Dillon Moen
First appearance "The Devil You Know"

This version of Charlie O'Neill was an hallucination provoqued on Jack O'Neill by Apophis to gather informations.

Character's evolution[edit | edit source]

"The Devil You Know" (1999)[edit | edit source]

Colonel Jack O'Neill, along with SG-1, Martouf and Jacob Carter, are prisoners of Apophis on Netu. Apophis uses the blood of Sokar in combination with a memory recall device in order to gather vital informations for Sokar. During the process, O'Neill sees himself calling Charlie in a yard, holding a baseball glove. Then suddenly, Charlies comes out of a bush holding a plastic water gun, and firing on O'Neill. Charlie tells O'Neill that Jeff Eisen gave it to him. The two of them argue about the fact O'Neill has a gun, but O'Neill tells Charlie he wants to play some catch when Charlie tells he's going inside. Charlie replies that it hasn't passed that way; O'Neill get mad of him and Charlie went inside. They have never played catch and two weeks later, Charlie shot himself with O'Neill's gun. Yet O'Neill insists to play catch. Suddenly Charlie says he will play only if O'Neill tells him how he made contact to the Asgard and the address of the Asgard homeworld. O'Neill is surprised as Charlie couldn't know this story (SG1: "The Fifth Race", "Fair Game"). O'Neill is defiant and resists to give the answers.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The description of the events of this hallucination have been altered both by Apophis and Jack O'Neill.
  • The hallucination's timeline is set two weeks before Charlie O'Neill shots himself.

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]