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This spaceship is part of an alternate timeline
Production information
Manufacturer Tau'ri
Class Space shuttle
Technical specifications
Crew Samantha Carter and a full crew
Year introduced 2004 (Stargate: Continuum)
Affiliation Tau'ri

Intrepid was a space shuttle led by an alternate Samantha Carter in an alternate timeline created by Ba'al. Intrepid was destroyed above the Altantic Ocean.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Personnel[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Samantha Carter was the Mission Commander of the space shuttle Intrepid. In 2004, following a computer failure aboard the ship, which shut off the main engines, Carter stayed behind to replace the failed autopilot while Intrepid crew were able to escape and be safe. Intrepid went down from orbit over the Atlantic Ocean and Carter's body was never found (Stargate: Continuum).

Evolution[edit | edit source]

Stargate: Continuum (2008, alternate timeline)[edit | edit source]

In the Elmandorf Air Force base, Colonel Samantha Carter is interviewed by an employee who reveals her the fate of "their" Samantha Carter and space shuttle Intrepid.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Main timeline Intrepid doesn't seem to exist as there is no mention of her in the series.
  • There is no Intrepid space shuttle in the real world since all existing Space shuttles have been retired in 2011.