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Planets (Solitudes).jpg
The planet map showing all planets between P4A-771 and Earth.
Astrographic information
Galaxy Milky Way
Out of Stargate universe information
First mention "Solitudes"

PX3-772 is a planet located in the Milky Way galaxy.

Detailled evolution[edit | edit source]

"Solitudes" (1997)[edit | edit source]

During their search of Colonel Jack O'Neill and Captain Samantha Carter, who were missing in action, Stargate Command put a mission to try to locate them, as it is a planet located between Earth and P4A-771, from where SG-1 ran of. According to Doctor Daniel Jackson and Sergeant Siler, as Stargates are basically giant superconductors, it could discharge the matter stream on another Stargate between Earth and P4A-771.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The planet's name isn't spoken in the episode. It only appears on the galaxy map in Stargate Command.