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This property retrieves the synopsis a an episode or a movie. It has a text type.

Showing 11 pages using this property.
[[SG-1]] discovers a [[Burrock's people|civilization]] that uses [[Unas]] as slave labor, and attempt to liberate [[Daniel Jackson|Daniel's]] friend, [[Chaka]].  +
As [[Goa'uld|powerful aliens]] come through the Earth's [[Stargate]], [[Colonel]] [[Jack O'Neill]] returns on [[Abydos]] to retrieve [[Daniel Jackson]], who has discovered that the [[Stargate network|alien transit system]] includes much more than the two planets.  +
[[Teal'c]] must stand [[Cor-ai|trial]] for a crime committed while he served as [[first prime]] of [[Apophis]] when a [[Hanno|villager]] on an [[Cartego|alien world]] identifies him as the [[Jaffa]] who killed his [[Hanno's father|father]].  +
[[SG-1]] boards an [[Anubis' mothership|abandoned Goa'uld mothership]] that has mysteriously arrived in [[Earth]]'s orbit, and must escape the doomed vessel when it crashes into the ocean.  +
An [[Shavadai|alien civilization]] is forced to reconsider their views on women when [[Samantha Carter|Carter]] rebels against their social customs.  +
Meanwhile [[Stargate Command]] and [[Kennedy|military]] decide of [[Teal'c]]'s fate, a near mature [[Charles Kawalsky's Goa'uld|Goa'uld symbiote]] is taking [[Major]] [[Charles Kawalsky|Kawalsky]]'s body control. The [[SGC]] must find a way to remove it without killing the Major.  +
While attempting to return a group of colonists to [[Novus|their home]], [[Destiny expedition|the crew]] finds records of their [[Destiny expedition (Twin Destinies reality)|own alternate lives]] — and a planet on the verge of [[Volcano|seismic destruction]].  +
[[Senator]] [[Robert Kinsey|Kinsey]] arrives at the [[SGC]] to investigate the [[Stargate program|program]] and determine whether the great drain on the U.S. budget is worthwhile, prompting the [[SG-1|team]] to recall missions from the past year.  +
An [[Quantum mirror|alien artifact]] transports [[Daniel Jackson|Daniel]] to an [[alternate reality]], where he is not a part of the [[Stargate program (There But For the Grace of God reality)|Stargate program]] and the [[Goa'uld (There But For the Grace of God reality)|Goa'uld]] — led by [[Teal'c (There But For the Grace of God reality)|Teal'c]] — are invading [[Earth (There But For the Grace of God reality)|Earth]].  +
When [[SG-1]] visits the [[Altair|underground warehouse]] of an [[Altairans|advanced alien civilization]], the [[Harlin|area's caretaker]] transplants their minds into robotic duplicates — a "gift" of immortality.  +
[[SG-1]] escapes through the [[Stargate]] before it [[Episode:Politics|is shut down]], and learns that [[Daniel Jackson|Daniel]]'s [[alternate reality]] vision is true: [[Apophis]] is moving to attack [[Earth]] from above. The team must stop Apophis and his son, [[Klorel]], who inhabits the body of their friend [[Skaara]].  +