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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description
21:25, 6 February 2025 The Enemy Within - Title card.png (file) 8.06 MB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the enemy within | repisode = | epnumber = S01E03 | time = 0:04:27 (25 img/s) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = {{Date|2025|02|06}} | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{fair use Screencaps|the enemy within|title}}
21:10, 6 February 2025 Children of the Gods - Title card.png (file) 6.4 MB LIMAFOX76  
14:38, 23 January 2025 Arnold, David.jpg (file) 2.48 MB LIMAFOX76  
10:20, 23 January 2025 Ra's mothership in Stargate.png (file) 570 KB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = | episode = stargate | repisode = | epnumber = | time = 1:17:06 (Director's Cut) | description = Ra's mothership | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = February 20, 2022 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{fair use Screencaps|stargate|spaceship}}
09:00, 23 January 2025 There But For the Grace of God - Title card.png (file) 1.94 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = There but for the grace of god | repisode = | epnumber = S01E20 | time = 0:06:31 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|there but for the grace of god|t...
08:38, 23 January 2025 Cor-ai - Title card.png (file) 2.23 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = cor-ai | repisode = | epnumber = S01E16 | time = 0:05:36 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|cor-ai|title}}
08:36, 23 January 2025 Singularity - Title card.png (file) 1.99 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = singularity | repisode = | epnumber = S01E15 | time = 0:04:26 | description = Episode Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|singularity|title}}
08:31, 23 January 2025 Hathor - Title card.png (file) 2.22 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = hathor | repisode = | epnumber = S01E14 | time = 0:04:45 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|hathor|title}}
08:28, 23 January 2025 Fire and Water - Title card.png (file) 2.14 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = fire and water | repisode = | epnumber = S01E13 | time = 0:02:58 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|fire and water|title}}
08:23, 23 January 2025 Bloodlines - Title card.png (file) 2.03 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = bloodlines | repisode = | epnumber = S01E12 | time = 0:02:51 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|Bloodlines|title}}
15:12, 21 January 2025 The Torment of Tantalus - Title card.png (file) 2.47 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the torment of tantalus | repisode = | epnumber = S01E11 | time = 0:03:45 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the torment of Tantalus|title}}
15:10, 21 January 2025 Thor's Hammer - Title card.png (file) 2.14 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = thor's hammer | repisode = | epnumber = S01E10 | time = 0:06:21 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Episode Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|thor's hammer|title}}
15:07, 21 January 2025 Brief Candle - Title card.png (file) 2.21 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = brief candle | repisode = | epnumber = S01E09 | time = 0:03:18 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = September 6, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|brief candle|title}}
15:05, 21 January 2025 The Nox - Title card.png (file) 939 KB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the nox | repisode = | epnumber = 1.08 | time = 0:05:50 (Blu-rau) | description = Episode's title card | source = | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 21, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the nox|title}}
15:03, 21 January 2025 Cold Lazarus - Title card.png (file) 1.44 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = cold lazarus | repisode = | epnumber = 1.07 | time = 0:04:48 (Blu-ray) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|cold lazarus|title}}
15:00, 21 January 2025 The First Commandment - Title card.png (file) 2.26 MB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the first commandment | repisode = | epnumber = 1.06 | time = 0:03:42 (Blu-ray) | description = Episode's title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = January 20, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the first commandment|title}}
14:58, 21 January 2025 The Broca Divide - Title card.png (file) 1,005 KB LIMAFOX76 == Summary == {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = the broca divide | repisode = | epnumber = 1.05 | time = 0:06:37 (Blu-ray) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = July 6, 2022 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|the broca divide|title}}
08:25, 21 January 2025 Emancipation (episode).jpg (file) 276 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = Stargate SG-1 | episode = Emancipation | repisode = | epnumber = 1.04 | time = 0:25:54 | description = Samantha Carter is threatened by Turghan | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = October 5, 2018 | author = MGM | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|Emancipation|Carter}}
17:18, 14 August 2023 Goa'uld scanning grenade.png (file) 2.59 MB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E01 | time = 0:13:31 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = The Goa'uld scanning grenade | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = Augus 14, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{fair use Screencaps|children of the Gods|technology}}
14:44, 14 August 2023 Jack O'Neill in Children of the Gods.png (file) 528 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Children of the Gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E01 | time = 0:13:31 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Jack O'Neill | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 14, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character|o'neill}}
14:25, 14 August 2023 Tobay in Children of the Gods.png (file) 657 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Children of the Gods | repisode = | epnumber = S01E01 | time = 0:42:05 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Tobay | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 14, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character}}
17:57, 1 August 2023 Emancipation - Title card.png (file) 2.58 MB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = emancipation | repisode = | epnumber = S01E04 | time = 0:06:15 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = August 1, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{fair use Screencaps|emancipation|title}}
08:40, 30 July 2023 Fryatt in Children of the Gods.png (file) 435 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = children of the gods | repisode = | epnumber = 1.02 | time = 0:02:51 (25 img/s upscaled) | description = Fryatt | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = July 30,2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|children of the gods|character}}
19:58, 29 July 2023 Tin Man - Title card.png (file) 1.92 MB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = tin man | repisode = | epnumber = S01E19 | time = 0:03:23 (25 img/s) | description = Title card | source = Personal capture | copyright_date = | screenshot_date = July 29, 2023 | author = | permission = See license section }} == License == {{Fair use Screencaps|tin man|title}}
19:25, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (10).png (file) 6.71 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:24, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (9).png (file) 4.84 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:23, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (8).png (file) 4.63 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:22, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (7).png (file) 4.84 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:22, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (6).png (file) 4.54 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:20, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (5).png (file) 4.82 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:19, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (4).png (file) 4.64 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:19, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (3).png (file) 5.08 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:18, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (2).png (file) 4.76 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:17, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek (1).png (file) 5.22 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
19:16, 20 December 2015 Nový obrázek.png (file) 5.03 MB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
15:42, 20 December 2015 Rand Guard (Ethon IV).png (file) 168 KB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
12:38, 7 December 2015 Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair II).jpg (file) 38 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = The Serpent's Lair | repisode = | epnumber = 2.01 | time = 0:22:14.22 | description = A Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair II) | source...
12:06, 7 December 2015 Kah'l (The Serpent's Lair).jpg (file) 63 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = The Serpent's Lair | repisode = | epnumber = 2.01 | time = 0:21:44.18 | description = Kah'l | source = Personal capture | cop...
15:18, 5 December 2015 Bra'tac zats a Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair).jpg (file) 67 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = The Serpent's Lair | repisode = | epnumber = 2.01 | time = 0:07:02.18 | description = Bra'tak shoot a Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair I)...
21:43, 4 December 2015 Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair I).jpg (file) 106 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = The Serpent's Lair | repisode = | epnumber = 2.01 | time = 0:06:58.08 | description = A Jaffa (The Serpent's Lair I) | source...
06:15, 3 December 2015 Ryn'tak threatens Kasuf (Secret).jpg (file) 71 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Secrets | repisode = | epnumber = 2.09 | time = 0:29:22.00 | description = Ryn'tak threatens Kasuf | source = Personal cap...
21:50, 2 December 2015 Heru'ur comes to Abydos (Secrets).jpg (file) 74 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Secrets | repisode = | epnumber = 2.09 | time = 0:22:48.22 | description = Heru'ur arrives on Abydos with a group of Horus guard...
12:10, 2 December 2015 Horus guards are beamed away (Thor's Chariot).jpg (file) 105 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Thor's Chariot | repisode = | epnumber = 2.06 | time = 0:39:44.12 | description = Ryn'tak and the Horus guards are beamed away by an...
12:03, 2 December 2015 Horus guards (Thor's Chariot).jpg (file) 144 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Thor's Chariot | repisode = | epnumber = 2.06 | time = 0:37:49.21 | description = Ryn'tak and Horus guards surrounding a cave on [[C...
11:50, 2 December 2015 Ryn'tak (Secrets).jpg (file) 71 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Secrets | repisode = | epnumber = 2.09 | time = 0:29:09.23 | description = Ryn'tak | source = Personal capture | copyright_da...
22:09, 1 December 2015 Horus Warrior (Thor's Chariot).jpg (file) 99 KB LIMAFOX76 {{Information TV series screencap | series = 1 | episode = Thor's Chariot | repisode = | epnumber = 2.06 | time = 0:37:56.14 | description = Ryn'tak | source = Personal capture | copyr...
14:13, 30 November 2015 Emancipation - Title screencap.jpg (file) 109 KB LIMAFOX76 Version without border
05:24, 23 November 2015 Candidate 3.png (file) 71 KB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
05:24, 23 November 2015 Candidate 2.png (file) 48 KB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
05:23, 23 November 2015 Candidate 1.png (file) 138 KB Matthew Bowyer Fan  
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